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Step 3

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Tropykus Logo

Tropykus is a decentralized lending protocol on top of Bitcoin (RSK) inspired by Compound and Aave protocols. These lending protocols provide a decentralized marketplace for suppliers and borrowers holding crypto assets.

Tropykus provides alternative deposit and lending smart contracts for users with different interests in terms of return expectations and investment horizons, with similar risk management features of other lending protocols (e.g. collateralization, liquidation incentives). It also provides markets and accepts as collateral alternative crypto assets such as rBTC, RIF, rUSDT, DOC. You can read more about Tropykus in their website and manifesto.

You can read and understand how Tropykus works by taking a look in their Whitepaper.

You will need to set up a Web3 or Mobile wallet that is compatible with the RSK chain. You can also use Ledger or Trezor hardware wallets.

For Web3 wallets, suggested are Liquality or Metamask. They work as an extension on your browser.

For Mobile wallets, suggested are Defiant, D’Cent, and Math. Just get the chosen one from the store of your smartphone, install it and set it up. Then you can connect your wallet using WalletConnect, which is an open protocol for connecting Dapps to mobile Wallets using end-to-end encryption by scanning a QR code.

NOTE: Always remember to set a password for wallet and keep a backup copy of your recovery phrase in a safe place. Never share it with anyone.

In Tropykus you will be able to make deposits and request loans, with different interests in terms of return expectations and investment horizons, with similar risk management characteristics from other lending protocols. It also offers markets and accepts as collateral alternative crypto assets such as rBTC, RIF, rUSDT, DOC.

You can access the Tropykus platform from:

To enter the platform you have to connect to the app using your Web3, Mobile or Hardware wallet. As with other apps, when connecting for the first time the wallet will request to sign a message to connect to the application.

Since Tropykus is built on the RSK platform, all fees are paid in RBTC, native token of RSK. You will need RBTC for any operation on Tropykus.

Yes. You can convert BTC to rBTC directly from Tropykus platform.

Allowed amounts
Minimum: 0.0004 BTC
Maximum: 1 BTC

Watch this explainer video on How to do BTC to rBTC conversion:

For Tropykus related issues reach out:




