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Step 3

Here are some quick solutions.

The Token Bridge is an interoperability protocol which allows users to move their own RSK or Ethereum ERC20 Tokens between networks in a quick and cost-efficient manner. You will be able to send your original tokens and receive an equivalent amount of Side Tokens on the other network and vice-versa.

Important! Don’t use the token bridge to send it to your exchange address, you won’t be able to claim it. Some exchanges, like Binance, don't support tokens that arrived from internal transactions (transactions made by smart contract).

The Token Bridge Dapp is available at:



Yes. Follow the Dapp guide for more details on how to use the token bridge application.

You can use either Chrome or Chromium web browser, with one of the following wallet browser extensions:

Metamask using a custom network to add the RSK network.

Nifty Wallet

Liquality Wallet

You can also use other wallets compatible with WalletConnect, like Defiant Wallet

The Token Bridge functionality is quite unique, yet simple to understand. The ratio of tokens during network transfer always remains 1:1 and behaves in the following manner:

When original tokens are moved to the other network:

- Original tokens are locked in the Token Bridge smart contract.

- Side Tokens are minted and assigned to the same address that originally called the bridge.

When Side Tokens are moved back from the other network:

- Side Tokens are burned.

- Original tokens are unlocked in the Token Bridge smart contract, and transferred to the same address that originally called the bridge contract.

The original token lives on the network that it was deployed on, for example Ethereum, while the Side Token is a representation of the original token on the other network, for example RSK.

Only whitelisted tokens can cross the bridge.

You can find the updated tokens list at:

Remember that Ethereum native tokens will transform into r(tokenName) and RSK native tokens will transform into e(tokenName)

There is a minimum and maximum amount per transaction and daily quotas. You can see them updated on

There is a 0.2% fee charge when crossing the tokens, this fee goes to the validators as payment for crossing the transactions.

After you submit the transaction, you have to wait depending on the amount you want to cross, around 30 minutes for small amounts, 1 hour for medium amounts or 24 hours for large amounts for the tokens to cross. Times are approximate. The speed of transactions depends on the number of confirmations required. For more information, please read: Important details

You can check the status of the transaction in the Account Transactions list. Please remember that all transactions listed here will not appear if you use another device.

Usually when there's a problem with a transaction, it will be necessary to have the transaction hash. It contains all the details about the transaction. You can check the status of the transaction in the Account Transactions list. Please remember that all transactions listed here will not appear if you use another device.

Approximately 24 hours need to pass from your transaction for the transfer to occur. For RSK it is 2880 blocks per 24 hours and for ETH 5760 blocks per 24 hours. The tokens will be transferred once the daily amount of blocks have passed from the transaction block number, plus 5 minutes. Remember that 24 hours is an approximation, it is not fixed.

If the difference between the Current Block and the Transaction Block is more than 5760 blocks, look in RSK Explorer at the SAME ADDRESS on RSK. If you do not see the correct balance in the tokens tab, please share your Transaction Hash in the #tokenbridge channel on RSK Open slack (go to Open Slack Community to join).

Approximately 24 hours need to pass from your transaction for the transfer to occur. For RSK it is 2880 blocks per 24 hours and for ETH 5760 blocks per 24 hours. The tokens will be transferred once the daily amount of blocks have passed from the transaction block number, plus 5 minutes. Remember that 24 hours is an approximation, it is not fixed.

If the difference between the Current Block and the Transaction Block is more than 2880 blocks, look in Etherscan at the SAME ADDRESS on RSK. If you do not see the correct balance in the tokens tab, please share your Transaction Hash in the #tokenbridge channel on RSK Open slack (go to Open Slack Community to join).

Sovryn Token Bridge is not the same as the RSK Token Bridge. If you have used, and you have an issue, please ask on the Sovryn discord group.

Note that if you have tokens on the RSK network, such as RIF or RDOC, including “crossed” tokens such as rUSDT or rDAI, you should not send them to an Ethereum address in a regular transaction. This does not work! Instead, you should use the RSK Token Bridge to cross the tokens from one blockchain to the other.

If you have done this already, and sent the tokens to an address that is not under your control - where you do not have the private key or the seed phrase - then you have burnt the tokens, and they are not recoverable. If you have done this already, and sent the tokens to an address that is under your control - where you do have the private key or the seed phrase - then it may be possible to recover your tokens.

Decentralized apps on websites, such as the RSK Token Bridge, interact with the blockchain network through a standard interface known as a web3 provider. Each browser wallet attempts to “inject” a web3 provider as soon as it is loaded. This means that if you have multiple browser extensions doing the same thing, one of them will override the other(s).

In order to avoid this problem, and if you already have multiple wallets installed, is to choose which wallet you wish to use, and disable the other ones. To do this in Chrome, enter chrome://extensions/ in your address bar, which brings you to a settings screen that lists all of the browser extensions that you have installed. Click on the toggle button to disable all of the browser extensions that inject web3 providers, except for the one that you wish to use. After this go to the RSK token bridge again, and refresh.

A way for you to recover that transaction, could be to use the explorer to navigate through the transactions originated from that wallet and send them to the RSK Cross Chain Bridge. If the transaction is easily identifiable, you can pick the hash and search for it in the search bar. Additionally, the transactions list is stored in the local cache, so it’s not shared across devices, and it’s erased if you clear your browser cookies and temporary files. If are still having trouble please let us know in the #tokenbridge channel on RSK Open slack (go to Open Slack Community to join).

RSK has a different derivation path (m/44’/137’/0’/0) from Ethereum (m/44’/60’/0’/0). Liquality respects this convention. If you are not seeing your tokens, copy your mnemonic or private key and use Metamask and add RSK as a custom network, to get the same address as ethereum.

RSK has a different derivation path (m/44’/137’/0’/0) from Ethereum (m/44’/60’/0’/0). Liquality respects this convention. If you are not seeing your tokens, copy your mnemonic or private key and use My Ether Wallet or My Crypto with the RSK derivation path m/44’/137’/0’/0 to get the same address as RSK.

RSK has a different derivation path (m/44’/137’/0’/0) from Ethereum (m/44’/60’/0’/0). Nifty respects this convention. In Nifty, add RSK as Custom RPC, to get the same address as ethereum, see: Resolve Nifty Issue

RSK has a different derivation path (m/44’/137’/0’/0) from Ethereum (m/44’/60’/0’/0). Nifty respects this convention. If you are not seeing your tokens, copy your mnemonic or private key and use My Ether Wallet or My Crypto with the RSK derivation path m/44’/137’/0’/0 to get the same address as RSK.